Regular events

Whole School Read Aloud

At Turner School we hold regular events and activities that families and friends are welcome to attend, as well as parent/teacher interviews, parent/carer workshops and classroom learning journeys. Dates and times for all activities and events are published in our calendar and the school newsletter.

There is also a range of other ways that families can participate and volunteer in our community.


We hold regular assemblies at Turner. Some are whole school assemblies, some are junior or senior assemblies and some are special ceremonies for events like ANZAC Day or Reconciliation Week. Assemblies are usually held on a Wednesday at 2.10pm in our Senior Hall with some special assemblies held at 12.30pm and/or in our Indigenous Garden.

Whole School Read Alouds

Every term, a team of our wonderful teachers dress up and act out the story from a book as it is read aloud. Our whole school from preschool to year 6 attend the performances. Students are completely engaged and laughter fills our Indigenous Garden (or Senior Hall in wet weather).

Learning Journeys

In term 3 students invite their families to join them on a learning journey to discover all of the wonderful work they have been doing in the classroom. Bookings are required for learning journeys to ensure the best possible experience. Notes with details and a unique booking code are sent home in advance.

Parent/teacher interviews

Parent/teacher interviews are held in late term 2 and early term 3 to give parents and carers the opportunity to have a scheduled discussion with their child's teacher. Bookings are required for parent/teacher interviews. Notes with details and a unique booking code are sent home in advance.


Over the school year we run a number of workshops for parents and carers on a range of topics including Numeracy, Writing, Reading and Resilience. These workshops are aimed at helping parents and carers to work with students when at home or volunteering in the classroom.

Festivals and other events

There are a number of annual events on the Turner calendar including Book Week celebrations, our end of year concert and our annual week-long festival. In even years we hold our Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM) Festival and in odd years, our Artists' and Writers' Festival.