Years 1/2 team updates

Years 1/2 puppets

1/2 Team – Term 2 Letter

Dear families,

Welcome back to Term 2!  We are looking forward to another term of learning, and have been planning together as a team to prepare for this.

The 1/2 team will investigate a biological sciences unit of work around the concept of habitats meeting the needs of living things. The big question is How do habitats support living things to survive and thrive?  If you have any expertise in this area of science we would love to hear from you.

Learning Overview for Year 1/2

Please find below the Term 2 Overview (including Achievement Standards from the Australian Curriculum) that will frame your child’s learning experiences.

In literacy, we will be continuing to work on building reading and writing skills, stamina and engagement. Children are encouraged to articulate their strategies and set goals with their class teacher. We will continue to look at common spelling patterns, as well as working on adding detail when writing. In numeracy, we will be working on deepening students’ understanding of number sequence and addition/subtraction strategies, as well as looking at informal measurement tasks.

Library sessions, with a chance to borrow, will occur weekly. Your child’s class teacher will let you know the day, as it may have changed from last term. Indonesian lessons with Rima will continue the focus on building an understanding of Indonesian culture and language.

Community singing times with the whole cohort are a great team building experience each Thursday with Jocelyn and Kayla, and we are steadily building the number of songs children enjoy singing together as a group. Jocelyn is also continuing to teach music to all classes this term. Class music lessons are centred around listening and music appreciation, developing skills in playing together, and performing.

At the end of this term the mid-year academic report and portfolio will come home. During Week 10 and early into Term 3 will be an opportunity for parent teacher interviews and ILP reviews, and invitations to book in for these will be sent later in the term.

If you would like to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress, please email them directly or call Turner School on 6142 2430. Please also feel free to contact Jocelyn James (team leader) if you have any queries.

We are looking forward to another successful term!


The 1/2 Team

Eleanor, Sarah, Tracey-Anne, Adam, Christine, Maddi and Jocelyn

Learning Area


Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards


(Biological Sciences)

Living Things

Science Processes and Understandings

  • Identifies how living things meet their needs in the places they live
  • Follows safe procedures to make and record observations (Y1)
  • Suggests steps to be followed in an investigation and follows safe procedures to make and record observations (Y2)
  • Uses provided tables and organisers to sort and order data and information and, with guidance, represents patterns (Y1)
  • Uses provided tables and organisers to sort and order data and represent patterns in data (Y2)
  • With guidance, compares observations with predictions and identifies further questions (Y1)
  • With guidance, compares their observations with those of others, identifies whether their investigation was fair and identifies further questions (Y2)


Number, measurement

Year 1

  • Connects number names, numerals and quantities, and orders numbers to at least 120
  • Demonstrates how one- and two-digit numbers can be partitioned in different ways and that two-digit numbers can be partitioned into tens and ones
  • Solves problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers to 20 and uses mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving addition, subtraction, equal sharing and grouping, using calculation strategies
  • Measures the length of shapes and objects using uniform informal units

Year 2

  • Orders and represents numbers to at least 1000, applies knowledge of place value to partition, rearrange and rename two- and three-digit numbers in terms of their parts, and regroups partitioned numbers to assist in calculations
  • Uses mathematical modelling to solve practical additive and multiplicative problems, representing the situation and choosing calculation strategies
  • Recalls and demonstrates proficiency with addition and subtraction facts within 20 and multiplication facts for twos
  • Uses uniform informal units to measure and compare shapes and objects


Reading, writing, spelling, speaking & listening

Year 1

  • Interacts with others, and listens to and creates short spoken texts including recounts of stories
  • Reads, views and comprehends texts, monitoring meaning and making connections between the depiction of characters, settings and events, and to personal experiences
  • Creates short written and/or multimodal texts including recounts of stories with events and characters
  • Spells most one- and two-syllable words with common letter patterns and common grammatical morphemes, and an increasing number of high-frequency words
  • Writes words using unjoined upper-case and lower-case letters

Year 2

  • Interacts with others, and listens to and creates spoken texts including stories
  • Reads, views and comprehends texts, identifying literal and inferred meaning, and how ideas are presented through characters and events
  • Creates written and/or multimodal texts including stories to inform, express an opinion, adapt an idea or narrate for audiences
  • Spells words with regular spelling patterns, and uses phonic and morphemic knowledge to attempt to spell words with less common patterns
  • Writes words using consistently legible unjoined letters

Learning Area


Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards

The Arts

Music (with Jocelyn)

Visual arts (with class teachers)

  • Identifies where they experience the arts
  • Demonstrates arts practices and skills across arts subjects
  • Creates arts works in a range of forms

Indonesian (with Rima)

Language and Culture

Years 1 & 2

  • Give factual information about self, family and significant objects using labels, captions and descriptions
  • Use familiar words, phrases and patterns to create captions and participate in shared performances and games
  • Whilst learning about Indonesia and its language, the students will be encouraged to practise songs and dances such as Cicak – cicak di dinding’, ‘Panjang umurnya’ and ‘Gundul Pacul’