Years 3/4 team updates

Years 3/4 students with sock puppets

3/4 Team Term Letter – Term 2 2024

Dear families,

Welcome to Term 2! We look forward to continuing working in partnership with you and your child this term. The 3/4 team inquiry focus for this term is linked to the Civics and Citizenship strand of the HASS curriculum.

We have tied our guiding question to our learner assets (in particular ‘I am a positive contributor’) and Turner School’s Annual Action Plan priority of ‘Increasing Learners’ Ability to Demonstrate Obligation to Self and Community

Our guiding question this term is: Are rules really made to be broken?

Students will explore this question by analysing topics such as:

Home Learning

The Term 2 Home Learning grid will be posted to your child’s Google Classroom at the start of this term and provides opportunities for students to practice, share, consolidate and extend what they have been learning in the classroom. These learning experiences can be completed independently and are not compulsory. If your child chooses to complete the home learning, they can return it to their class teacher fortnightly on a Friday (odd weeks) for feedback.

We are looking forward to a great term of learning!

Kind regards,

The 2024 3/4 Team








Rima (Indonesian)

Laura (Visual Arts)

Kimberley (Music)

Term 2 Learning Overview for Year 3/4

Please find below the Term 2 Overview (including Achievement Standards from the new Australian Curriculum version 9.0) and the inquiry focus that will frame your child’s learning experiences.

Learning Area

Big ideas and Inquiry Questions

Big ideas taught through the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards


Civics and Citizenship

How are decisions made democratically?

How has my identity been shaped by the groups to which I belong?

Year 3

  • Describe   the importance of rules and people’s contributions to communities
  • Develops   questions, locates, collects and records information and data from different   sources
  • Interprets   information and data in different formats
  • Analyses   information and data to identify perspectives and draws conclusions

Year 4

  • Describes   the importance and role of local government, community members and laws, and   the cultural and social factors that shape identity
  • Develops   questions, locates, collects and records information and data from a range of   sources and formats
  • Interprets   and analyses information and data to identify perspectives and draws   conclusions


Reading and Writing

Speaking, Listening and Viewing

Spelling and Word Consciousness

What is a narrative text?

What structures and language features are found in narrative texts?

Year 3

  • Interacts   with others, and listens to and texts including stories
  • Reads,   views and comprehends texts, recognising their purpose and audience
  • Reads   fluently, using phonic, morphemic and grammatical knowledge to read   multisyllabic words with more complex letter patterns
  • Creates   written texts including stories to inform, narrate, explain or argue for   audiences, relating ideas including relevant details from learnt topics,   topics of interest or texts
  • Spells   multisyllabic words using phonic and morphemic knowledge, and high-frequency   words

Year 4

  • Interacts   with others, and listens to and creates texts including stories
  • Reads,   views and comprehends texts created to inform, influence and engage audiences
  • Reads   fluently and accurately, integrating phonic, morphemic, grammatical and   punctuation knowledge
  • Creates texts   including stories for purposes and audiences, where they develop ideas using details   from learnt topics, topics of interest or texts
  • Spells   words including multisyllabic and multimorphemic words with irregular   spelling patterns, using phonic, morphemic and grammatical knowledge


What does it mean to be numerate?

How can I explain processes and thinking when I am solving problems?

Where do mathematical concepts apply in the real world?

What are the four operations and what strategies can I use to understand them?

Year 3

  • Orders and   represents natural numbers beyond 10 000
  • Extends and   uses single-digit addition and related subtraction facts and applies additive   strategies to model and solve problems involving two- and three-digit numbers
  • Uses mathematical modelling to solve   practical problems involving single-digit multiplication and division,   recalling multiplication facts for twos, threes, fours, fives and tens, using   a range of strategies

Year 4

  • Uses their   understanding of place value to represent tenths and hundredths in decimal   form and to multiply natural numbers by multiples of 10
  • Uses their proficiency   with addition and multiplication facts to add and subtract, multiply and   divide numbers efficiently
  • Uses the   properties of odd and even numbers



Physical Education

How can I move and look after my body?

How can I manage my emotions in a healthy way?

How can I participate fairly in games?

Years 3 and 4

  • Identifies   influences that strengthen identities and describes strategies to manage   emotions, changes and transitions
  • Applies   skills and strategies to interact respectfully with others
  • Applies   fundamental movement skills and demonstrates movement concepts across a range   of situations
  • Adapts   movement strategies to enhance movement outcomes
  • Demonstrates   fair play and inclusion through a range of roles in movement contexts

The Arts

Inquiring into the ways Art is created across culture, time and place.

How can I experiment with a range of visual arts conventions, processes and materials?

Years 3 and 4

  • Describes use of elements, concepts and   conventions in arts works they create and experience
  • Describes where, why and how arts works are created and   presented across cultures, times places, and other contexts


Language and Culture

How can I use Indonesian to share information related to my classroom and personal world?

Years 3 and 4

  • States   preferences and uses adjectives, including adjectives of size and colour   following the noun
  • Makes   comparisons between Indonesian and English, particularly identifying   similarities and differences in cultural practices related to daily routines   and special occasions

Coming up in 3/4 in Term 2…

Throughout the term there will be many whole-school and 3/4 specific activities. These dates will be included in the fortnightly newsletters. Here are some to add to your calendar

Believing that working in partnership with you best supports your child’s learning, you are welcome to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress at any time. Please email them directly or call Turner School on 6142 2430.