Years 5/6 team updates

5/6 Team

Term 2 Letter – 2024

Dear families,

Welcome to term 2! We look forward to continuing working in partnership with you and your child this term.

The 5/6 team inquiry focus for this term is linked to our biological science unit on adaptations and our geographical ‘country study’. We have tied the big guiding question to the learner assets (in particular ‘I am a thinker’ and ‘I am a researcher’) and Turner School’s Annual Action Plan priority of ‘Increasing Learners’ Ability to Demonstrate Obligation to Self and Community’. Our students will be provided opportunities to continue developing their skills as a collaborator and positive contributor through experiences such as the preschool and kinder buddies program, camp, senior story telling awards and band & djembe performances.

Our big question this term is….How can we survive?

Opportunities with Ruby (our school youth worker)

Throughout the year I will be running a range of wellbeing-based activities. Some of these activities are universal for anyone to join and others are targeted at a specific need within the school or cohort.

This term all year 5/6 students are doing a 4-week program run by Vinnies called DARE. This program focuses on identifying your values, strengths, building resilience, coping strategies, boundaries, and goals. This term we also have a range of services coming to do fun activities with the students during lunchtime, if they choose to participate. This includes Multicultural Youth Hub on the 8th of May, Northside Community Services on the 22nd of May and A Gender Agender on the 4th of June.

Other activities that your child may be involved in include:

If you would like to get in touch or talk more about wellbeing at Turner School, feel free to contact me via email'

Home Learning

The term 2 Home Learning grid will be posted to your child’s Google Classroom at the start of this term and provides opportunities for students to practice, share, consolidate and extend what they have been learning in the classroom. These learning experiences can be completed independently and are not compulsory. If your child chooses to complete the home learning, they can return it to their class teacher fortnightly on a Friday (odd weeks) for feedback.

Learning Overview for Year 5/6

Please find below the Term 2 Overview (including Achievement Standards from the new Australian Curriculum version 9.0) and the inquiry focus that will frame your child’s learning experiences.

Learning Area


Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards

Science – biological Sciences

HASS – Geography


Country study

Year 5

  • Explains   how the form and behaviour of living things enables survival
  • Describes   examples of collaboration leading to advances in science, and scientific   knowledge that has changed over time
  • Identifies   examples where scientific knowledge informs the actions of individuals and   communities
  • Uses   language features that reflect their purpose and audience when communicating   their ideas and findings
  • Explains   the influence of people on the characteristics of places and in the   management of spaces

Year 6

  • Explains   how changes in physical conditions affect living things
  • Explains   why science is often collaborative and describes different individuals’   contributions to scientific knowledge
  • Describes   how individuals and communities use scientific knowledge
  • Selects and   uses language features effectively for their purpose and audience when   communicating their ideas and findings
  • Explains   the geographical diversity of places and the effects of interconnections with   other countries


Information report writing



Language features, literary devices and comprehension reading strategies linked to the Mentor Text – ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ by Katherine Paterson

Year 5

  • Explains how ideas are developed including through characters,   settings and/or events, and how texts reflect contexts
  • Explains   how language features including literary devices, and visual features   contribute to the effect and meaning of a text
  • Creates   written and/or multimodal texts, including literary texts, for particular   purposes and audiences, developing and expanding on ideas with supporting   details from topics or texts
  • Uses   language features including complex sentences, tenses, topic-specific   vocabulary and literary devices, and/or multimodal features

Year 6

  • Identifies   similarities and differences in how ideas are presented and developed   including through characters, settings and/or events, and how texts reflect   contexts
  • Explains   how language features including literary devices, and visual features   influence audiences
  • Creates   written and/or multimodal texts, including literary texts, for particular   purposes and audiences, developing, explaining and elaborating on relevant   ideas from topics or texts
  • Uses and   varies language features including sentence structures, topic-specific   vocabulary and literary devices, and/or multimodal features



Physical Education

Identity/ Inclusion

Fundamental Movement Skills

Year 5 and 6

  • Proposes strategies to demonstrate respect, empathy and   inclusion
  • Explains how different factors influence identities
  • Refines and modifies movement skills and applies movement   concepts across a range of situations


Place Value & Number

Fractions & Decimals


Data – statistics

Year 5

  • Uses place value to write and order decimals including decimals   greater than one
  • Orders and represents, adds and subtracts fractions with the   same or related denominators
  • Represents common percentages and connects them to their   fraction and decimal equivalents
  • Uses grid coordinates to locate and move positions
  • Plans and conducts statistical investigations that collect   nominal and ordinal categorical and discrete numerical data using digital   tools

Year 6

  • Uses integers to represent points on a number line and in the   Cartesian plane
  • Solves problems using the properties of prime, composite and   square numbers
  • Orders common fractions, giving reasons, and adds and subtracts   fractions with related denominators
  • Uses all 4 operations with decimals and connects decimal   representations of measurements to the metric system
  • Solves problems involving finding a fraction, decimal or   percentage of a quantity and uses estimation to find approximate solutions to   problems involving rational numbers and percentages
  • Locates an ordered pair in any one of the 4 quadrants on the   Cartesian plane
  • Compares distributions of discrete and continuous numerical and   ordinal categorical data sets as part of their statistical investigations,   using digital tools

The Arts

Visual and performing arts


-Composition and performance

-Analysis of musical elements (i.e. dynamics, form, rhythm & texture)

Visual Art

-Exploring various mediums (charcoal, paint)

-Elements of art (i.e. line, shape & colour)

Years 5 & 6

  • Uses subject-specific knowledge,   elements, concepts, conventions, materials, skills and/or processes to create   arts works that communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning
  • Presents and performs their arts   works in formal and/or informal settings
  • Describes how the arts communicate   ideas, perspectives and/or meaning across cultures, times, places and/or   other contexts


Language and Culture

Years 5 & 6

  • Asks and responds to questions using Apa? Siapa? Berapa? and Di mana?   and interacts spontaneously with peers in discussions on familiar topics
  • Uses subject-focus construction with a range of ber- verbs (such   as bermain, berjalan, bercakap-cakap, berenang) and formulaic me- verbs (such   as membaca, mendengarkan, menonton).

Coming up in 5/6 in 2024…

Throughout the year there will be many whole-school and 5/6 specific activities. These dates will be included in the fortnightly newsletters. Here are some to add to your calendar…

Believing that working in partnership with you best supports your child’s learning, you are welcome to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress at any time. Please email them directly or call Turner School on 6142 2430.

We are looking forward to a great term of learning!

Kind regards,

The 2024 5/6 Team

Sammy –

Ryan -

Anna –

Salma –

Leanne –

Zoe -

Kat – (music)

Rima - (Indonesian)

Ruby - (youth worker)

Jess – (team leader)