School Board

Students playing on oval

Each government school in the ACT is administered by a school board whose membership comprises the school principal, two elected staff members, three elected members of the parent body and a nominee of the Education Directorate. Elected members normally serve for a two year period.

The Board is the policy making body of the school. Its major functions are to:

  • determine the educational policies to be implemented at the school
  • assess, from time to time, the needs of the school in relation to the provision of buildings and facilities, equipment, funds and teachers and other staff, and make recommendations to the Director General of the Education Directorate with respect to the meeting of those needs
  • determine the purposes for which funds made available for the School are to be expended
  • make recommendations to the Director General in respect of the use of the buildings, facilities and equipment of the school for purposes other than school purposes
  • develop relationships between the school and the community and between the school and community organisations
  • make recommendations to the Director General on matters relating to the school.

Responsibility for the implementation of policies and guidelines established by the Board rests with the Principal and staff.

The Turner School Board generally meets the second Wednesday of the month. The parent representative members write a comprehensive report of Board discussions in the school newsletter.

Current Board members

Chris Hall (outgoing Chair)
Annie O’Connor & Damien Prendergast (Deputy Chairs)
Allison Edmonds (Principal)
Antonia McGuire (Teacher representative)
Tracey-Anne Leahey (Teacher representative)
Joe Reinhard (Community representative)
Miranda Menaspa (Parent representative)

Annual Action Plan Report/ Impact Report

Turner School Impact Report 2023 (PDF 512.6 KB)

Turner School Impact Report 2023 (PDF 164.1 KB)

Turner School Impact Report 2022 (PDF 156.3 KB)

Turner School Impact Report 2022 (PDF 499.4 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2020 (PDF 450.8 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2020 (PDF 169.4 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2019 (PDF 536.9 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2019 (PDF 799.0 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2018 (PDF 69.1 KB)

Turner School Annual Impact Report 2019 (PDF 422.7 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2018 (PDF 366.2 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2017 (PDF 162.4 KB)

Turner School Annual Action Plan Report 2017 (PDF 5.8 MB)

Annual School Board Report

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 504.1 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 514.3 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2022 (PDF 544.8 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2022 (PDF 2.8 MB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2021 (PDF 392.7 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2021 (PDF 379.2 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2020 (PDF 86.5 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2020 (PDF 310.2 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2019 (PDF 536.9 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2018 (PDF 847.5 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2018 (PDF 765.1 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2017 (PDF 294.1 KB)

Turner School Annual School Board Report 2017 (PDF 7.0 MB)

External School Review Report

Turner School Report of Review 2021 (PDF 401.4 KB)

Turner School Report of Review 2021 (PDF 451.1 KB)

School Improvement Plan

Turner School Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (PDF 612.2 KB)

Turner School Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (PDF 729.6 KB)

Turner School Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (PDF 781.4 KB)

Turner School Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (PDF 347.5 KB)